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 It makes sense, then, that the sources of inspiration for Marla’s character were ones Pike found curiously entertaining, including Nicole Kidman’s murderously ambitious weather girl in To Die For, Gus Van Sant’s criminally overlooked 1995 satire of celebrity culture, and the disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes, with all of her preening self-obsession and careful image building.

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“I was curious about Elizabeth Holmes as a study in the art of conviction—what she does to deploy something that people unilaterally found totally convincing,” Pike explains. “In America in particular, people are so beguiled by wealth. Wealth can cover for an awful lot of evil and wrongdoing. If you have a fortune, that’s enough in and of itself. You hear that someone’s received a $2 billion investment and that’s a good thing, that must be a good thing because they got that investment. If the end of our movie hadn’t been what it was, in a couple of years Marla would’ve been on the cover of Forbes, she would’ve been bequeathing a certain portion to charity, and all would be squeaky clean again.”

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